package repositories import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "net" "net/http" "" "" "sync" "time" ) type Track struct { OwnerId uint64 TrackLocal *webrtc.TrackLocalStaticRTP } type Peer struct { ID uint64 Conn *webrtc.PeerConnection CanPublish bool IsCaller bool HandshakeLock *sync.Mutex gotFirstVideoTrack bool gotFirstAudioTrack bool triggeredReconnectOnce bool } type Room struct { *sync.Mutex Peers map[uint64]*Peer trackLock *sync.Mutex Tracks map[string]*Track timer *time.Ticker ggId uint64 } type RoomRepository struct { api *webrtc.API Rooms map[string]*Room conf *models.ConfigModel *sync.Mutex } func NewRoomRepository(conf *models.ConfigModel) *RoomRepository { settingEngine := webrtc.SettingEngine{} if len(conf.CustomICEHostCandidateIP) > 0 { settingEngine.SetNAT1To1IPs([]string{conf.CustomICEHostCandidateIP}, webrtc.ICECandidateTypeHost) } settingEngine.SetNetworkTypes([]webrtc.NetworkType{ webrtc.NetworkTypeTCP6, webrtc.NetworkTypeUDP6, webrtc.NetworkTypeTCP4, webrtc.NetworkTypeUDP4, }) tcpListener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", &net.TCPAddr{ IP: net.IP{0, 0, 0, 0}, Port: int(conf.ICETCPMUXListenPort), }) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("Listening for ICE TCP at %s\n", tcpListener.Addr()) tcpMux := webrtc.NewICETCPMux(nil, tcpListener, 64) settingEngine.SetICETCPMux(tcpMux) m := &webrtc.MediaEngine{} if err := m.RegisterDefaultCodecs(); err != nil { panic(err) } i := &interceptor.Registry{} if err := webrtc.RegisterDefaultInterceptors(m, i); err != nil { panic(err) } api := webrtc.NewAPI(webrtc.WithMediaEngine(m), webrtc.WithInterceptorRegistry(i), webrtc.WithSettingEngine(settingEngine)) return &RoomRepository{ api: api, Mutex: &sync.Mutex{}, Rooms: make(map[string]*Room), conf: conf, } } func (r *RoomRepository) DoesRoomExists(id string) bool { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() return r.doesRoomExists(id) } func (r *RoomRepository) doesRoomExists(id string) bool { if _, exists := r.Rooms[id]; exists { return true } return false } func (r *RoomRepository) doesPeerExists(roomId string, id uint64) bool { if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { return false } if _, exists := r.Rooms[roomId].Peers[id]; exists { return true } return false } func (r *RoomRepository) CreatePeer(roomId string, id uint64, canPublish bool, isCaller bool, ggid uint64) error { r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { room := &Room{ Mutex: &sync.Mutex{}, Peers: make(map[uint64]*Peer), trackLock: &sync.Mutex{}, Tracks: make(map[string]*Track), timer: time.NewTicker(3 * time.Second), ggId: ggid, } r.Rooms[roomId] = room go func() { for range room.timer.C { room.Lock() for _, peer := range room.Peers { for _, receiver := range peer.Conn.GetReceivers() { if receiver.Track() == nil { continue } go func(peerConn *webrtc.PeerConnection, recv *webrtc.RTPReceiver) { err := peerConn.WriteRTCP([]rtcp.Packet{ &rtcp.PictureLossIndication{ MediaSSRC: uint32(recv.Track().SSRC()), }, }) if err != nil { println(`[E] [rtcp][PLI] `, err.Error()) } }(peer.Conn, receiver) } } room.Unlock() } }() } room := r.Rooms[roomId] r.Unlock() peerConn, err := r.api.NewPeerConnection(webrtc.Configuration{ ICEServers: r.conf.ICEServers, }) if err != nil { return models.NewError("can't create peer connection", 500, models.MessageResponse{Message: err.Error()}) } peerConn.OnICECandidate(func(ic *webrtc.ICECandidate) { r.onPeerICECandidate(roomId, id, room.ggId, ic) }) peerConn.OnConnectionStateChange(func(state webrtc.PeerConnectionState) { r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { r.Unlock() return } room := r.Rooms[roomId] r.Unlock() room.Lock() defer room.Unlock() peer, stillThere := room.Peers[id] r.onPeerConnectionStateChange(room, peer, state) { if state == webrtc.PeerConnectionStateClosed && isCaller { if stillThere && peer.triggeredReconnectOnce { return } go r.onCallerDisconnected(roomId) } } }) peerConn.OnTrack(func(remote *webrtc.TrackRemote, receiver *webrtc.RTPReceiver) { r.onPeerTrack(roomId, id, remote, receiver) }) /*peerConn.OnNegotiationNeeded(func() { println("[PC] negotiating with peer", id) r.offerPeer(peerConn,roomId,id) })*/ room.Lock() defer room.Unlock() room.Peers[id] = &Peer{ ID: id, Conn: peerConn, HandshakeLock: &sync.Mutex{}, CanPublish: canPublish, IsCaller: isCaller, } go r.updatePCTracks(roomId) return nil } func (r *RoomRepository) onCallerDisconnected(roomId string) { if _, err := r.ResetRoom(roomId); err != nil { println(err.Error()) return } *r.conf.StartRejoinCH <- models.RejoinMode{ SimplyJoin: false, RoomId: roomId, } } func (r *RoomRepository) onPeerICECandidate(roomId string, id, ggid uint64, ic *webrtc.ICECandidate) { if ic == nil { return } reqModel := dto.AddPeerICECandidateReqModel{ PeerDTO: dto.PeerDTO{ RoomId: roomId, ID: id, }, GGID: ggid, ICECandidate: ic.ToJSON(), } serializedReqBody, err := json.Marshal(reqModel) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) return } resp, err := http.Post(r.conf.LogjamBaseUrl+"/ice", "application/json", bytes.NewReader(serializedReqBody)) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) return } if resp.StatusCode > 204 { println("POST /ice", resp.StatusCode) return } } func (r *RoomRepository) onPeerConnectionStateChange(room *Room, peer *Peer, newState webrtc.PeerConnectionState) { if peer == nil { return } println("[PC] con_stat", newState.String(), peer.ID) switch newState { case webrtc.PeerConnectionStateDisconnected: fallthrough case webrtc.PeerConnectionStateFailed: if err := peer.Conn.Close(); err != nil { println(err.Error()) } case webrtc.PeerConnectionStateClosed: delete(room.Peers, peer.ID) } } func (r *RoomRepository) onPeerTrack(roomId string, id uint64, remote *webrtc.TrackRemote, receiver *webrtc.RTPReceiver) { fmt.Println("got a track!", remote.ID(), remote.StreamID(), remote.Kind().String()) r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { r.Unlock() return } room := r.Rooms[roomId] r.Unlock() trackLocal, err := webrtc.NewTrackLocalStaticRTP(remote.Codec().RTPCodecCapability, remote.ID(), remote.StreamID()) if err != nil { panic(err) } room.trackLock.Lock() room.Tracks[remote.ID()] = &Track{ OwnerId: id, TrackLocal: trackLocal, } room.trackLock.Unlock() firstVideo := false firstAudio := false room.Lock() peer := room.Peers[id] room.Unlock() if remote.Kind() == webrtc.RTPCodecTypeVideo && !peer.gotFirstVideoTrack { peer.gotFirstVideoTrack = true firstVideo = true } if remote.Kind() == webrtc.RTPCodecTypeAudio && !peer.gotFirstAudioTrack { peer.gotFirstAudioTrack = true firstAudio = true } defer func(trackId string) { room.trackLock.Lock() delete(room.Tracks, trackId) room.trackLock.Unlock() r.updatePCTracks(roomId) }(remote.ID()) go r.updatePCTracks(roomId) buffer := make([]byte, 1500) for { n, _, err := remote.Read(buffer) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) break } if _, err = trackLocal.Write(buffer[:n]); err != nil { println(err.Error()) break } } if (firstVideo || firstAudio) && peer.IsCaller && !peer.triggeredReconnectOnce { go r.onCallerDisconnected(roomId) peer.triggeredReconnectOnce = true } } func (r *RoomRepository) updatePCTracks(roomId string) { println("[] updatePCTracks start") r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { r.Unlock() return } room := r.Rooms[roomId] r.Unlock() room.Lock() defer room.Unlock() for _, peer := range room.Peers { if peer.Conn == nil { continue } alreadySentTracks := map[string]*webrtc.RTPSender{} receivingPeerTracks := map[string]*webrtc.RTPReceiver{} for _, rtpSender := range peer.Conn.GetSenders() { if rtpSender.Track() == nil { continue } track := rtpSender.Track() alreadySentTracks[track.ID()] = rtpSender } for _, rtpReceiver := range peer.Conn.GetReceivers() { if rtpReceiver.Track() == nil { continue } track := rtpReceiver.Track() receivingPeerTracks[track.ID()] = rtpReceiver } room.trackLock.Lock() renegotiate := false for id, track := range room.Tracks { _, alreadySend := alreadySentTracks[id] _, alreadyReceived := receivingPeerTracks[id] if track.OwnerId != peer.ID && (!alreadySend && !alreadyReceived) { renegotiate = true if peer.Conn.ConnectionState() == webrtc.PeerConnectionStateClosed { break } println("[PC] add track", track.TrackLocal.ID(), "to", peer.ID) _, err := peer.Conn.AddTrack(track.TrackLocal) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) break } } } for trackId, rtpSender := range alreadySentTracks { if _, exists := room.Tracks[trackId]; !exists { renegotiate = true if peer.Conn.ConnectionState() == webrtc.PeerConnectionStateClosed { break } println("[PC] remove track", trackId, "from", peer.ID) err := peer.Conn.RemoveTrack(rtpSender) if err != nil { println(err.Error()) break } } } room.trackLock.Unlock() if renegotiate { go func(p *Peer, rid string) { err := r.offerPeer(p, rid) if err != nil { println(`[E]`, err.Error()) return } }(peer, roomId) } } println("[] updatePCTracks end") } func (r *RoomRepository) AddPeerIceCandidate(roomId string, id uint64, ic webrtc.ICECandidateInit) error { r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { r.Unlock() return models.NewError("room doesn't exists", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId}) } room := r.Rooms[roomId] r.Unlock() room.Lock() if !r.doesPeerExists(roomId, id) { room.Unlock() return models.NewError("no such a peer with this id in this room", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId, "peerId": id}) } peer := room.Peers[id] room.Unlock() err := peer.Conn.AddICECandidate(ic) if err != nil { return models.NewError(err.Error(), 500, models.MessageResponse{Message: err.Error()}) } return nil } func (r *RoomRepository) SetPeerAnswer(roomId string, id uint64, answer webrtc.SessionDescription) error { r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { r.Unlock() return models.NewError("room doesn't exists", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId}) } room := r.Rooms[roomId] r.Unlock() room.Lock() if !r.doesPeerExists(roomId, id) { room.Unlock() return models.NewError("no such a peer with this id in this room", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId, "peerId": id}) } peer := room.Peers[id] room.Unlock() err := peer.Conn.SetRemoteDescription(answer) if err != nil { return models.NewError(err.Error(), 500, models.MessageResponse{Message: err.Error()}) } peer.HandshakeLock.Unlock() return nil } func (r *RoomRepository) SetPeerOffer(roomId string, id uint64, offer webrtc.SessionDescription) (sdpAnswer *webrtc.SessionDescription, err error) { r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { r.Unlock() return nil, models.NewError("room doesn't exists", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId}) } room := r.Rooms[roomId] r.Unlock() room.Lock() if !r.doesPeerExists(roomId, id) { room.Unlock() return nil, models.NewError("no such a peer with this id in this room", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId, "peerId": id}) } peer := room.Peers[id] room.Unlock() if !peer.IsCaller { return nil, models.NewError("only caller can offer", 403, nil) } peer.HandshakeLock.Lock() defer peer.HandshakeLock.Unlock() err = peer.Conn.SetRemoteDescription(offer) if err != nil { return nil, models.NewError(err.Error(), 500, models.MessageResponse{Message: err.Error()}) } answer, err := peer.Conn.CreateAnswer(nil) if err != nil { return nil, models.NewError(err.Error(), 500, models.MessageResponse{Message: err.Error()}) } err = peer.Conn.SetLocalDescription(answer) if err != nil { return nil, models.NewError(err.Error(), 500, models.MessageResponse{Message: err.Error()}) } return &answer, nil } func (r *RoomRepository) AllowPublish(roomId string, id uint64) error { r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { r.Unlock() return models.NewError("room doesn't exists", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId}) } r.Unlock() room := r.Rooms[roomId] room.Lock() defer room.Unlock() if !r.doesPeerExists(roomId, id) { return models.NewError("no such a peer with this id in this room", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId, "peerId": id}) } room.Peers[id].CanPublish = true return nil } func (r *RoomRepository) ClosePeer(roomId string, id uint64) error { r.Lock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { r.Unlock() return models.NewError("room doesn't exists", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId}) } room := r.Rooms[roomId] r.Unlock() room.Lock() peer := room.Peers[id] if !r.doesPeerExists(roomId, id) { room.Unlock() return models.NewError("no such a peer with this id in this room", 403, map[string]any{"roomId": roomId, "peerId": id}) } room.Unlock() return peer.Conn.Close() } func (r *RoomRepository) ResetRoom(roomId string) (uint64, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { return 0, nil } room := r.Rooms[roomId] room.Lock() ggid := room.ggId room.timer.Stop() for _, peer := range room.Peers { go func(conn *webrtc.PeerConnection) { _ = conn.Close() }(peer.Conn) } room.Unlock() delete(r.Rooms, roomId) return ggid, nil } func (r *RoomRepository) offerPeer(peer *Peer, roomId string) error { peer.HandshakeLock.Lock() println("[PC] negotiating with peer", peer.ID) offer, err := peer.Conn.CreateOffer(nil) if err != nil { return err } err = peer.Conn.SetLocalDescription(offer) if err != nil { return err } ggid := r.GetRoomGGID(roomId) reqModel := dto.SetSDPReqModel{ GGID: *ggid, PeerDTO: dto.PeerDTO{ RoomId: roomId, ID: peer.ID, }, SDP: offer, } bodyJson, err := json.Marshal(reqModel) if err != nil { return err } res, err := http.Post(r.conf.LogjamBaseUrl+"/offer", "application/json", bytes.NewReader(bodyJson)) if err != nil { return err } if res.StatusCode > 204 { return errors.New("POST {logjambaseurl}/offer : " + res.Status) } return nil } func (r *RoomRepository) GetRoomGGID(roomId string) *uint64 { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() if !r.doesRoomExists(roomId) { return nil } gid := r.Rooms[roomId].ggId return &gid }