# go-eol Package **eol** implements tools for working with end-of-line, for the Go programming language. The end-of-line sequences it supports is: * "\n" // line-feed * "\r" // carriage-return * "\r\n" // carriage-return, line-feed * "\u0085" // new-line * "\u2028" // line-separator ## Documention Online documentation, which includes examples, can be found at: http://godoc.org/sourcecode.social/reiver/go-eol [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/sourcecode.social/reiver/go-eol?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/sourcecode.social/reiver/go-eol) ## Example Here is an example: ```golang import "sourcecode.social/reiver/go-eol" // ... eodofline, size, err := eol.ReadEOL(runereader) if nil != err { return err } ``` ## Import To import package **eol** use `import` code like the follownig: ``` import "sourcecode.social/reiver/go-eol" ``` ## Installation To install package **eol** do the following: ``` GOPROXY=direct go get https://sourcecode.social/reiver/go-eol ``` ## Author Package **eol** was written by [Charles Iliya Krempeaux](http://changelog.ca)