# go-frameproto Package **frameproto** provides tools for the **Frame Protocol** — which is also known as **Farcaster Frames**, for the Go programming language. ## Documention Online documentation, which includes examples, can be found at: http://godoc.org/sourcecode.social/reiver/go-frameproto [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/sourcecode.social/reiver/go-frameproto?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/sourcecode.social/reiver/go-frameproto) ## Explanation The **Frames Protocol**, also known **Farcaster Frames**, is a simple web-based technology used for making applications. It uses HTML without really using HTML, so that **Frames Protocol** applications work with clients that don't support the **Frames Protocol**. The fall-back being OpenGraph. Really, a **Frames Protocol** application is mostly made up of **images** and **buttons** on the client-side (that are specified using HTML `` element) with a back-end that gets HTTP `POST`ed to, which can return a new "page" with an **image** and **buttons**, and so on and so on. This choice of just being mostly **images** and **buttons** actually makes the **Frames Protocol** simpler to create a viewer from scatch. No need to implement all Web technologies. No need to worry about security and privacy holes that Web technologies introduce. Although the **Frames Protocol** _could_ be used outside of **Farcaster**, at the time of writing, **Farcaster** clients (such as **Warpcast**) are the only major (client-side) platform to support it. (The server-side of the Frames Protocol, which is called a Frame Server, is an just HTTP resource — which some might loosely call an HTTP (or HTTP) URL.) Enough talking — let's look at some code. Here is the client-side of a **Frames Protocol** application: ```html ``` It is just HTML. Although this would need to be embedded into an HTML document, so really it would be something more like this: ```html ``` This package provides you tools for creating this. For example: ```golang func ServeHTTP(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { // ... frameproto.WriteFrame(responseWriter, frameproto.VersionVNext) frameproto.WriteFrameImage(responseWriter, frameImageURL) // ... } ``` ## Import To import package **frameproto** use `import` code like the follownig: ``` import "sourcecode.social/reiver/go-frameproto" ``` ## Installation To install package **frameproto** do the following: ``` GOPROXY=direct go get https://sourcecode.social/reiver/go-frameproto ``` ## Author Package **frameproto** was written by [Charles Iliya Krempeaux](http://changelog.ca)