initial commits

Charles Iliya Krempeaux 2024-02-12 21:35:42 -08:00
parent 6b790d1546
commit 56c81c36cb
4 changed files with 851 additions and 0 deletions

write.go 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package htmlescape
import (
func WriteBytes(writer io.Writer, bytes []byte) (n int, err error) {
var buffer [bufferSize]byte
var p []byte = buffer[0:0]
p, err = AppendBytes(p, bytes)
if nil != err {
return 0, err
return writer.Write(p)
func WriteRune(writer io.Writer, r rune) (n int, err error) {
var buffer [bufferSize]byte
var p []byte = buffer[0:0]
p = AppendRune(p,r)
return writer.Write(p)
func WriteString(writer io.Writer, str string) (n int, err error) {
var buffer [bufferSize]byte
var p []byte = buffer[0:0]
p, err = AppendString(p, str)
if nil != err {
return 0, err
return writer.Write(p)

writebytes_test.go 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package htmlescape_test
import (
func TestWriteBytes(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Slice []byte
Expected []byte
Slice: []byte("This is NOT <b>bold</b>!"),
Expected: []byte("This is NOT &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;!"),
Slice: []byte(`"this is a quotation"`),
Expected: []byte("&#34;this is a quotation&#34;"),
Slice: []byte("\t3 < 5\r\n3 > 2\x00"),
Expected: []byte("&#x9;3 &lt; 5&#xD;&#xA;3 &gt; 2&#x0;"),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
_, err := htmlescape.WriteBytes(&buffer, test.Slice)
if nil != err {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, did not expect to get an error but actually got one." , testNumber)
t.Logf("ERROR: (%T) %s", err, err)
t.Logf("SLICE: %q", test.Slice)
expected := test.Expected
actual := buffer.Bytes()
if !bytes.Equal(expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual resulting value of the append is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %q", actual)
t.Logf("SLICE: %q", test.Slice)

writerune_test.go 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
package htmlescape_test
import (
func TestWriteRune(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Rune rune
Expected []byte
Rune: 0x00,
Expected: []byte("&#x0;"),
Rune: 0x01,
Expected: []byte("&#x1;"),
Rune: 0x02,
Expected: []byte("&#x2;"),
Rune: 0x03,
Expected: []byte("&#x3;"),
Rune: 0x04,
Expected: []byte("&#x4;"),
Rune: 0x05,
Expected: []byte("&#x5;"),
Rune: 0x06,
Expected: []byte("&#x6;"),
Rune: 0x07,
Expected: []byte("&#x7;"),
Rune: 0x08,
Expected: []byte("&#x8;"),
Rune: 0x09,
Expected: []byte("&#x9;"),
Rune: 0x0A,
Expected: []byte("&#xA;"),
Rune: 0x0B,
Expected: []byte("&#xB;"),
Rune: 0x0C,
Expected: []byte("&#xC;"),
Rune: 0x0D,
Expected: []byte("&#xD;"),
Rune: 0x0E,
Expected: []byte("&#xE;"),
Rune: 0x0F,
Expected: []byte("&#xF;"),
Rune: 0x10,
Expected: []byte("&#x10;"),
Rune: 0x11,
Expected: []byte("&#x11;"),
Rune: 0x12,
Expected: []byte("&#x12;"),
Rune: 0x13,
Expected: []byte("&#x13;"),
Rune: 0x14,
Expected: []byte("&#x14;"),
Rune: 0x15,
Expected: []byte("&#x15;"),
Rune: 0x16,
Expected: []byte("&#x16;"),
Rune: 0x17,
Expected: []byte("&#x17;"),
Rune: 0x18,
Expected: []byte("&#x18;"),
Rune: 0x19,
Expected: []byte("&#x19;"),
Rune: 0x1A,
Expected: []byte("&#x1A;"),
Rune: 0x1B,
Expected: []byte("&#x1B;"),
Rune: 0x1C,
Expected: []byte("&#x1C;"),
Rune: 0x1D,
Expected: []byte("&#x1D;"),
Rune: 0x1E,
Expected: []byte("&#x1E;"),
Rune: 0x1F,
Expected: []byte("&#x1F;"),
Rune: 0x20,
Expected: []byte(" "),
Rune: 0x21,
Expected: []byte("!"),
Rune: 0x22,
Expected: []byte("&#34;"),
Rune: 0x23,
Expected: []byte("#"),
Rune: 0x24,
Expected: []byte("$"),
Rune: 0x25,
Expected: []byte("%"),
Rune: 0x26,
Expected: []byte("&amp;"),
Rune: 0x27,
Expected: []byte("&#39;"),
Rune: 0x28,
Expected: []byte("("),
Rune: 0x29,
Expected: []byte(")"),
Rune: 0x2A,
Expected: []byte("*"),
Rune: 0x2B,
Expected: []byte("+"),
Rune: 0x2C,
Expected: []byte(","),
Rune: 0x2D,
Expected: []byte("-"),
Rune: 0x2E,
Expected: []byte("."),
Rune: 0x2F,
Expected: []byte("/"),
Rune: 0x30,
Expected: []byte("0"),
Rune: 0x31,
Expected: []byte("1"),
Rune: 0x32,
Expected: []byte("2"),
Rune: 0x33,
Expected: []byte("3"),
Rune: 0x34,
Expected: []byte("4"),
Rune: 0x35,
Expected: []byte("5"),
Rune: 0x36,
Expected: []byte("6"),
Rune: 0x37,
Expected: []byte("7"),
Rune: 0x38,
Expected: []byte("8"),
Rune: 0x39,
Expected: []byte("9"),
Rune: 0x3A,
Expected: []byte(":"),
Rune: 0x3B,
Expected: []byte(";"),
Rune: 0x3C,
Expected: []byte("&lt;"),
Rune: 0x3D,
Expected: []byte("="),
Rune: 0x3E,
Expected: []byte("&gt;"),
Rune: 0x3F,
Expected: []byte("?"),
Rune: 0x40,
Expected: []byte("@"),
Rune: 0x41,
Expected: []byte("A"),
Rune: 0x42,
Expected: []byte("B"),
Rune: 0x43,
Expected: []byte("C"),
Rune: 0x44,
Expected: []byte("D"),
Rune: 0x45,
Expected: []byte("E"),
Rune: 0x46,
Expected: []byte("F"),
Rune: 0x47,
Expected: []byte("G"),
Rune: 0x48,
Expected: []byte("H"),
Rune: 0x49,
Expected: []byte("I"),
Rune: 0x4A,
Expected: []byte("J"),
Rune: 0x4B,
Expected: []byte("K"),
Rune: 0x4C,
Expected: []byte("L"),
Rune: 0x4D,
Expected: []byte("M"),
Rune: 0x4E,
Expected: []byte("N"),
Rune: 0x4F,
Expected: []byte("O"),
Rune: 0x50,
Expected: []byte("P"),
Rune: 0x51,
Expected: []byte("Q"),
Rune: 0x52,
Expected: []byte("R"),
Rune: 0x53,
Expected: []byte("S"),
Rune: 0x54,
Expected: []byte("T"),
Rune: 0x55,
Expected: []byte("U"),
Rune: 0x56,
Expected: []byte("V"),
Rune: 0x57,
Expected: []byte("W"),
Rune: 0x58,
Expected: []byte("X"),
Rune: 0x59,
Expected: []byte("Y"),
Rune: 0x5A,
Expected: []byte("Z"),
Rune: 0x5B,
Expected: []byte("["),
Rune: 0x5C,
Expected: []byte("\\"),
Rune: 0x5D,
Expected: []byte("]"),
Rune: 0x5E,
Expected: []byte("^"),
Rune: 0x5F,
Expected: []byte("_"),
Rune: 0x60,
Expected: []byte("`"),
Rune: 0x61,
Expected: []byte("a"),
Rune: 0x62,
Expected: []byte("b"),
Rune: 0x63,
Expected: []byte("c"),
Rune: 0x64,
Expected: []byte("d"),
Rune: 0x65,
Expected: []byte("e"),
Rune: 0x66,
Expected: []byte("f"),
Rune: 0x67,
Expected: []byte("g"),
Rune: 0x68,
Expected: []byte("h"),
Rune: 0x69,
Expected: []byte("i"),
Rune: 0x6A,
Expected: []byte("j"),
Rune: 0x6B,
Expected: []byte("k"),
Rune: 0x6C,
Expected: []byte("l"),
Rune: 0x6D,
Expected: []byte("m"),
Rune: 0x6E,
Expected: []byte("n"),
Rune: 0x6F,
Expected: []byte("o"),
Rune: 0x70,
Expected: []byte("p"),
Rune: 0x71,
Expected: []byte("q"),
Rune: 0x72,
Expected: []byte("r"),
Rune: 0x73,
Expected: []byte("s"),
Rune: 0x74,
Expected: []byte("t"),
Rune: 0x75,
Expected: []byte("u"),
Rune: 0x76,
Expected: []byte("v"),
Rune: 0x77,
Expected: []byte("w"),
Rune: 0x78,
Expected: []byte("x"),
Rune: 0x79,
Expected: []byte("y"),
Rune: 0x7A,
Expected: []byte("z"),
Rune: 0x7B,
Expected: []byte("{"),
Rune: 0x7C,
Expected: []byte("|"),
Rune: 0x7D,
Expected: []byte("}"),
Rune: 0x7E,
Expected: []byte("~"),
Rune: 0x7F,
Expected: []byte("&#x7F;"),
Rune: 0x80,
Expected: []byte("&#x80;"),
Rune: 0x81,
Expected: []byte("&#x81;"),
Rune: 0x82,
Expected: []byte("&#x82;"),
Rune: 0x83,
Expected: []byte("&#x83;"),
Rune: 0x84,
Expected: []byte("&#x84;"),
Rune: 0x85,
Expected: []byte("&#x85;"),
Rune: 0x86,
Expected: []byte("&#x86;"),
Rune: 0x87,
Expected: []byte("&#x87;"),
Rune: 0x88,
Expected: []byte("&#x88;"),
Rune: 0x89,
Expected: []byte("&#x89;"),
Rune: 0x8A,
Expected: []byte("&#x8A;"),
Rune: 0x8B,
Expected: []byte("&#x8B;"),
Rune: 0x8C,
Expected: []byte("&#x8C;"),
Rune: 0x8D,
Expected: []byte("&#x8D;"),
Rune: 0x8E,
Expected: []byte("&#x8E;"),
Rune: 0x8F,
Expected: []byte("&#x8F;"),
Rune: 0x90,
Expected: []byte("&#x90;"),
Rune: 0x91,
Expected: []byte("&#x91;"),
Rune: 0x92,
Expected: []byte("&#x92;"),
Rune: 0x93,
Expected: []byte("&#x93;"),
Rune: 0x94,
Expected: []byte("&#x94;"),
Rune: 0x95,
Expected: []byte("&#x95;"),
Rune: 0x96,
Expected: []byte("&#x96;"),
Rune: 0x97,
Expected: []byte("&#x97;"),
Rune: 0x98,
Expected: []byte("&#x98;"),
Rune: 0x99,
Expected: []byte("&#x99;"),
Rune: 0x9A,
Expected: []byte("&#x9A;"),
Rune: 0x9B,
Expected: []byte("&#x9B;"),
Rune: 0x9C,
Expected: []byte("&#x9C;"),
Rune: 0x9D,
Expected: []byte("&#x9D;"),
Rune: 0x9E,
Expected: []byte("&#x9E;"),
Rune: 0x9F,
Expected: []byte("&#x9F;"),
Rune: 0xA0,
Expected: []byte("\u00A0"),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
_, err := htmlescape.WriteRune(&buffer, test.Rune)
if nil != err {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, did not expect an error but actually got one.", testNumber)
t.Logf("ERROR: (%T) %s", err, err)
t.Logf("RUNE: %q (%U)", test.Rune, test.Rune)
actual := buffer.Bytes()
expected := test.Expected
if !bytes.Equal(expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual resulting value of the append is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %q", actual)
t.Logf("RUNE: %q (%U)", test.Rune, test.Rune)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package htmlescape_test
import (
func TestWriteString(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
String string
Expected []byte
String: "This is NOT <b>bold</b>!",
Expected: []byte("This is NOT &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;!"),
String: `"this is a quotation"`,
Expected: []byte("&#34;this is a quotation&#34;"),
String: "\t3 < 5\r\n3 > 2\x00",
Expected: []byte("&#x9;3 &lt; 5&#xD;&#xA;3 &gt; 2&#x0;"),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
_, err := htmlescape.WriteString(&buffer, test.String)
if nil != err {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, did not expect to get an error but actually got one." , testNumber)
t.Logf("ERROR: (%T) %s", err, err)
t.Logf("STRING: %q", test.String)
expected := test.Expected
actual := buffer.Bytes()
if !bytes.Equal(expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual resulting value of the append is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %q", actual)
t.Logf("STRING: %q", test.String)