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package flog
import (
func TestNewCopyingRouter(t *testing.T) {
randomness := rand.New(rand.NewSource( time.Now().UTC().UnixNano() ))
router := NewCopyingRouter(NewDiscardingRouter())
if nil == router {
t.Errorf("After trying to create a copying router, expected it to be not nil, but was: %v", router)
lenInitialCopies := 0
for range router.Copies() {
if expected, actual := 0, lenInitialCopies; expected != actual {
t.Errorf("After creating a copying router, expected copies to be length %d, but was actually %d,", expected, actual)
message := fmt.Sprint("%x", randomness.Int63n(9999999999))
context := make(map[string]interface{})
limit := randomness.Int63n(30)
for i:=int64(0); i<limit; i++ {
context[ fmt.Sprintf("%x", randomness.Int63n(1000*limit)) ] = fmt.Sprintf("%x", randomness.Int63n(999999999999999))
router.Route(message, context) // Just make sure it doesn't panic or deadlok, by calling this.
func TestCopyingRouterRoute(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Data []struct{Message string ; Context map[string]interface{}}
Data: []struct{Message string ; Context map[string]interface{}}{
Data: []struct{Message string ; Context map[string]interface{}}{
struct{Message string ; Context map[string]interface{}}{
Message: "apple banana cherry",
Context: map[string]interface{}{
Data: []struct{Message string ; Context map[string]interface{}}{
struct{Message string ; Context map[string]interface{}}{
Message: "apple",
Context: map[string]interface{}{
struct{Message string ; Context map[string]interface{}}{
Message: "banana",
Context: map[string]interface{}{
struct{Message string ; Context map[string]interface{}}{
Message: "cherry",
Context: map[string]interface{}{
TLoop: for testNumber, test := range tests {
router := NewCopyingRouter(NewDiscardingRouter())
for _, datum := range test.Data {
router.Route(datum.Message, datum.Context)
lenCopies := 0
for range router.Copies() {
if expected, actual := len(test.Data), lenCopies; expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, after creating a copying router and (potentially) doing some routing, expected copies to be length %d, but was actually %d.", testNumber, expected, actual)
continue TLoop
datumNumber := 0
for actualDatum := range router.Copies() {
if expected, actual := test.Data[datumNumber].Message, actualDatum.Message; expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, after creating a copying router and (potentially) doing some routing, expected message for copies datum #%d to be %q, but was actually %q.", testNumber, datumNumber, expected, actual)
continue TLoop
if expected, actual := len(test.Data[datumNumber].Context), len(actualDatum.Context); expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, after creating a copying router and (potentially) doing some routing, expected length of context for copies datum #%d to be %d, but was actually %d.", testNumber, datumNumber, expected, actual)
continue TLoop
for expectedKey, expectedValue := range test.Data[datumNumber].Context {
if _, ok := actualDatum.Context[expectedKey]; !ok {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, after creating a copying router and (potentially) doing some routing, expected context for copies datum #%d to have key %q, but didn't.", testNumber, datumNumber, expectedKey)
continue TLoop
if actualValue := actualDatum.Context[expectedKey]; expectedValue != actualValue {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, after creating a copying router and (potentially) doing some routing, expected value for context for copies datum #%d at key %q to have value [%v], but actually had [%v].", testNumber, datumNumber, expectedKey, expectedValue, actualValue)
continue TLoop