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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Charles Iliya Krempeaux <> :: Copyright (c) 2017 Charles Iliya Krempeaux ::
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

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@ -1,14 +1,56 @@
# go-opt # go-opt
Package **opt** provides alternatives to Go's built-in types (bool, float64, int64, string, time.Time) Package **opt** implements an **optional-type**, for the Go programming language.
that also let you express a "lack of a value"; for the Go programming language;
these are similar to "option types" or "maybe types" in some other programming languages.
(Code for this was generated using )
In other programming languages, an **optional-type** might be know as: a **option-type**, or a **maybe-type**.
## Documention ## Documention
Online documentation, which includes examples, can be found at: Online documentation, which includes examples, can be found at:
[![GoDoc](]( [![GoDoc](](
## Examples
Here is an example **optional-type** that can hold a string:
import ""
var op opt.Optional[string] // the default value is nothing.
// ...
if opt.Nothing[string]() == op {
// ...
op = opt.Something("Hello world! 👾")
// ...
switch op {
case op.Nothing[string]():
case op.Something("apple"):
case op.Something("banana"):
case op.Something("cherry"):
// ...
value, found := op.Get()
if found {
fmt.Println("VALUE:", value)
} else {

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
Package opt has a number of sub-packages provides alternatives to Go's built-in types (bool, float64, int64, string, time.Time)
that also let you express a "lack of a value"; for the Go programming language; these are similar to "option types" or "maybe types"
in some other programming languages.
var s optstring.NullableType
// ...
switch s {
case optstring.NoneNullable():
case optstring.Null():
case optstring.SomeNullable("Hello world!"):
case optstring.SomeNullable("apple banana cherry"):
var s optstring.Type
// ...
switch s {
case optstring.None():
case optstring.Some("Hello world!"):
case optstring.Some("apple banana cherry"):
package opt

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go 1.18

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package opt
// Map applies the function fn to the value inside of the optional-type op, if the optional-type op is holding something, and returns it as a new optional-type.
// If the optional-type op is holding nothing, then Map also returns nothing.
// For example:
// var op opt.Optional[string] = opt.Something("Hello world!")
// var result opt.Optional[string] = opt.Map(op, strings.ToUpper)
// // result == opt.Something[string]("HELLO WORLD!")
// // ...
// var op2 opt.Optional[string] = opt.Nothing[string]()
// var result2 opt.Optional[string] = opt.Map(op, strings.ToUpper)
// // result2 == opt.Nothing[string]()
// Or also, for example:
// fn := func(s string) int {
// return len(s)
// }
// var op opt.Optional[string] = opt.Something("Hello world!")
// var result opt.Optional[int] = opt.Map(op, fn)
// // result == opt.Something[int](12)
// // ...
// var op2 opt.Optional[string] = opt.Nothing[string]()
// var result2 opt.Optional[int] = opt.Map(op, fn)
// // result2 == opt.Nothing[int]()
func Map[T1 any, T2 any](op Optional[T1], fn func(T1)T2) Optional[T2] {
if !op.something {
return Nothing[T2]()
return Something(fn(op.value))

map_test.go 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package opt_test
import (
func TestMap_stringToUint(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional opt.Optional[string]
Expected opt.Optional[int]
Optional: opt.Nothing[string](),
Expected: opt.Nothing[int](),
Optional: opt.Something(""),
Expected: opt.Something[int](0),
Optional: opt.Something("once"),
Expected: opt.Something[int](4),
Optional: opt.Something("twice"),
Expected: opt.Something[int](5),
Optional: opt.Something("thrice"),
Expected: opt.Something[int](6),
Optional: opt.Something("fource"),
Expected: opt.Something[int](6),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
fn := func(s string) int {
return len(s)
mapped := opt.Map(test.Optional, fn)
expected := test.Expected
actual := mapped
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: (%T) %#v", expected, expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: (%T) %#v", actual, actual)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: (%T), %#v", test.Optional, test.Optional)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE

optional.go 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
package opt
import (
// Optional represents an optional value.
// In other programming languages this is know as: an option type, or a maybe type.
// For example:
// var op opt.Optional[string] = opt.Something("once twice thrice fource")
// // ...
// value, found := op.Get()
// if found {
// fmt.Println("value:", value)
// } else{
// fmt.Println("nothing")
// }
// Also, for example:
// var op opt.Optional[uint8] = opt.Something[uint8](101)
// // ...
// value, found := op.Get()
// if found {
// fmt.Println("value:", value)
// } else{
// fmt.Println("nothing")
// }
type Optional[T any] struct {
value T
something bool
// Nothing returns an optional-type with nothing in it.
// For example, here is an optional-type that can hold a string with nothing in it:
// var op opt.Optional[string] = opt.Nothing[string]()
// Note that the default value for any optional-type is nothing.
// So the following code it equivalent to it:
// var op opt.Optional[string]
// Also, for example, here is an optional-type that can hold a uint8 with nothing in it:
// var op opt.Optional[uint8] = opt.Nothing[uint8]()
// Again, note that the default value for any optional-type is nothing.
// So the following code it equivalent to it:
// var op opt.Optional[uint8]
func Nothing[T any]() Optional[T] {
var nothing Optional[T]
return nothing
// Something returns a optional-type with something in it.
// For example, here is an optional-type with the string "once twice thrice fource" in it:
// var op opt.Optional[string] = opt.Something("once twice thrice fource")
// And, for example, here is an optional-type with the uint8 101 in it:
// var op opt.Optional[uint8] = opt.Something(uint8(101))
func Something[T any](value T) Optional[T] {
return Optional[T]{
// Filter returns itself if it is holding something and fn applied to its value returns true.
// Else it return nothing.
// For example:
// fn := func(value int) bool {
// return 0 == (value % 2)
// }
// // ...
// var op1 opt.Optional[int] = opt.Something[int](10)
// op1 = op1.Filter(fn)
// // ...
// var op2 opt.Optional[int] = opt.Something[int](11)
// op2 = op2.Filter(fn)
// // ...
// var op3 opt.Optional[int] = opt.Nothing[int]()
// op3 = op3.Filter(fn)
func (receiver Optional[T]) Filter(fn func(T)bool) Optional[T] {
if !receiver.something {
return Nothing[T]()
if !fn(receiver.value) {
return Nothing[T]()
return receiver
// Get returns the value inside of the optional-type if it is holding something.
// Example usage:
// var op opt.Optional[string]
// // ...
// value, found := op.Get()
// if found {
// fmt.Println("VALUE:", value)
// } else {
// fmt.Println("nothing")
// }
func (receiver Optional[T]) Get() (T, bool) {
return receiver.value, receiver.something
// GoString makes it that when the fmt.Fprintf(), fmt.Printf(), and fmt.Sprintf() family of functions
// renders this type with the %#v verb, that it will be easier to understand.
// For example:
// var op opt.Optional[string] = opt.Something("once twice thrice fource")
// // ...
// fmt.Printf("op = %#v", op)
// // Output:
// // op = opt.Something[string]("once twice thrice fource")
// Also, for example:
// var op opt.Optional[uint8] = opt.Nothing[uint8]()
// // ...
// fmt.Printf("op = %#v", op)
// // Output:
// // op = opt.Nothing[uint8]()
func (receiver Optional[T]) GoString() string {
if !receiver.something {
return fmt.Sprintf("opt.Nothing[%T]()", receiver.value)
return fmt.Sprintf("opt.Something[%T](%#v)", receiver.value, receiver.value)
// WhenNothing will call fn when receiver is holding nothing.
// It will not call fn when receier is hold something.
// For example:
// var op opt.Optional = opt.Nothing[string]
// // ...
// op.WhenNothing(func(){
// //@TODO
// })
func (receiver Optional[T]) WhenNothing(fn func()) {
if !receiver.something {
// WhenSomething will fn when receiver is holding something.
// The value that receiver is holding will be passed as a parameter to the function fn.
// It will not call fn when receiver is hold nothing.
// For example:
// var op opt.Optional = opt.Something("once twice thrice fource")
// // ...
// op.WhenSomething(func(value string){
// //@TODO
// })
func (receiver Optional[T]) WhenSomething(fn func(T)) {
if receiver.something {

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package opt_test
import (
func TestOptional_Filter_int(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional opt.Optional[int]
Expected opt.Optional[int]
Optional: opt.Nothing[int](),
Expected: opt.Nothing[int](),
Optional: opt.Something[int](-2),
Expected: opt.Something[int](-2),
Optional: opt.Something[int](-1),
Expected: opt.Nothing[int](),
Optional: opt.Something[int](0),
Expected: opt.Something[int](0),
Optional: opt.Something[int](1),
Expected: opt.Nothing[int](),
Optional: opt.Something[int](2),
Expected: opt.Something[int](2),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
fn := func(value int) bool {
return 0 == (value % 2)
actual := test.Optional.Filter(fn)
expected := test.Expected
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %#v", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %#v", actual)
/////////////// CONTINUE

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@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
package opt_test
import (
func TestOptional_Get_string(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional opt.Optional[string]
ExpectedValue string
ExpectedSomething bool
Optional: opt.Nothing[string](),
ExpectedValue: "",
ExpectedSomething: false,
Optional: opt.Something(""),
ExpectedValue: "",
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something("once twice thrice fource"),
ExpectedValue: "once twice thrice fource",
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something("😈"),
ExpectedValue: "😈",
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹"),
ExpectedValue: "۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹",
ExpectedSomething: true,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
value, something := test.Optional.Get()
expected := test.ExpectedSomething
actual := something
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual something-flag is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED FLAG: %t", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL FLAG: %t", actual)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: %#v", test.Optional)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE
expected := test.ExpectedValue
actual := value
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED VALUE: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL VALUE: %q", actual)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: %#v", test.Optional)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE
func TestOptional_Get_int8(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional opt.Optional[int8]
ExpectedValue int8
ExpectedSomething bool
Optional: opt.Nothing[int8](),
ExpectedValue: 0,
ExpectedSomething: false,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-127)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-127),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-126)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-126),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-125)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-125),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-124)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-124),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-123)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-123),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-122)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-122),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-121)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-121),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-120)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-120),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-9)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-9),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-8)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-8),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-7)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-7),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-6)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-6),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-5)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-5),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-4)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-4),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-3)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-3),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-2)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-2),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(-1)),
ExpectedValue: int8(-1),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(0)),
ExpectedValue: int8(0),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(1)),
ExpectedValue: int8(1),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(2)),
ExpectedValue: int8(2),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(3)),
ExpectedValue: int8(3),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(4)),
ExpectedValue: int8(4),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(5)),
ExpectedValue: int8(5),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(6)),
ExpectedValue: int8(6),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(7)),
ExpectedValue: int8(7),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(8)),
ExpectedValue: int8(8),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(9)),
ExpectedValue: int8(9),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(120)),
ExpectedValue: int8(120),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(121)),
ExpectedValue: int8(121),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(122)),
ExpectedValue: int8(122),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(123)),
ExpectedValue: int8(123),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(124)),
ExpectedValue: int8(124),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(125)),
ExpectedValue: int8(125),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(126)),
ExpectedValue: int8(126),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(int8(127)),
ExpectedValue: int8(127),
ExpectedSomething: true,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
value, something := test.Optional.Get()
expected := test.ExpectedSomething
actual := something
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual something-flag is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED FLAG: %t", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL FLAG: %t", actual)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: %#v", test.Optional)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE
expected := test.ExpectedValue
actual := value
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED VALUE: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL VALUE: %q", actual)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: %#v", test.Optional)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE
func TestOptional_Get_uint8(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional opt.Optional[uint8]
ExpectedValue uint8
ExpectedSomething bool
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint8](),
ExpectedValue: 0,
ExpectedSomething: false,
Optional: opt.Something(uint8(0)),
ExpectedValue: uint8(0),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(uint8(1)),
ExpectedValue: uint8(1),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(uint8(2)),
ExpectedValue: uint8(2),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(uint8(254)),
ExpectedValue: uint8(254),
ExpectedSomething: true,
Optional: opt.Something(uint8(255)),
ExpectedValue: uint8(255),
ExpectedSomething: true,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
value, something := test.Optional.Get()
expected := test.ExpectedSomething
actual := something
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual something-flag is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED FLAG: %t", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL FLAG: %t", actual)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: %#v", test.Optional)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE
expected := test.ExpectedValue
actual := value
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED VALUE: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL VALUE: %q", actual)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: %#v", test.Optional)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE

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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
package opt_test
import (
func TestOptional_GoString(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Value any
Expected string
Value: "",
Expected: `opt.Something[string]("")`,
Value: "once twice thrice fource",
Expected: `opt.Something[string]("once twice thrice fource")`,
Value: "apple banana cherry",
Expected: `opt.Something[string]("apple banana cherry")`,
Value: uint8 (0x0),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint8](0x0)`,
Value: uint8 (0x1),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint8](0x1)`,
Value: uint8 (0x2),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint8](0x2)`,
Value: uint8 (0xfe),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint8](0xfe)`,
Value: uint8 (0xff),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint8](0xff)`,
Value: uint16 (0x0),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0x0)`,
Value: uint16 (0x1),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0x1)`,
Value: uint16 (0x2),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0x2)`,
Value: uint16 (0xfe),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0xfe)`,
Value: uint16 (0xff),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0xff)`,
Value: uint16 (0x100),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0x100)`,
Value: uint16 (0x101),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0x101)`,
Value: uint16 (0x102),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0x102)`,
Value: uint16 (0xfffe),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0xfffe)`,
Value: uint16 (0xffff),
Expected: `opt.Something[uint16](0xffff)`,
Value: struct { A string; B int }{A:"joeblow",B:7},
Expected: `opt.Something[struct { A string; B int }](struct { A string; B int }{A:"joeblow", B:7})`,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
op := opt.Something(test.Value)
gostring := op.GoString()
expected := test.Expected
actual := gostring
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual go-string is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %q", actual)
t.Logf("VALUE-TYPE: %T", test.Value)
t.Logf("VALUE: %#v", test.Value)
//////////////////////// CONTINUE
func TestOptional_GoString_nothing(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional fmt.GoStringer
Expected string
Optional: opt.Nothing[string](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[string]()`,
Optional: opt.Nothing[int8](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[int8]()`,
Optional: opt.Nothing[int16](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[int16]()`,
Optional: opt.Nothing[int32](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[int32]()`,
Optional: opt.Nothing[int64](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[int64]()`,
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint8](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[uint8]()`,
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint16](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[uint16]()`,
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint32](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[uint32]()`,
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint64](),
Expected: `opt.Nothing[uint64]()`,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
expected := test.Expected
actual := test.Optional.GoString()
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual go-string value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED GO-STRING: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL GO-STRING: %q", actual)
t.Logf("TYPE: %T", test.Optional)
/////////////// CONTINUE

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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package opt_test
import (
func TestOptional_WhenNothing(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional interface{WhenNothing(func())}
Optional: opt.Nothing[string](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[int](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[int8](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[int16](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[int32](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[int64](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint8](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint16](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint32](),
Optional: opt.Nothing[uint64](),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var worked bool = false
worked = true
if !worked {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the call to the method did not seem work.", testNumber)
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: (%T) %#v", test.Optional, test.Optional)
//////////////// CONTINUE
func TestOptional_WhenNothing_something(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional interface{WhenNothing(func())}
Optional: opt.Something[string]("once twice thrice fource"),
Optional: opt.Something[int](-1),
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-101),
Optional: opt.Something[int16](-10101),
Optional: opt.Something[int32](-1010101),
Optional: opt.Something[int64](-101010101),
Optional: opt.Something[uint](1),
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](101),
Optional: opt.Something[uint16](10101),
Optional: opt.Something[uint32](1010101),
Optional: opt.Something[uint64](101010101),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var worked bool = false
worked = true
if worked {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the call to the method worked, but it should not have.", testNumber)
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: (%T) %#v", test.Optional, test.Optional)
//////////////// CONTINUE

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@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
package opt_test
import (
func TestOptional_WhenSomething_string(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional interface{WhenSomething(func(string))}
Expected string
Optional: opt.Something[string](""),
Expected: "",
Optional: opt.Something[string]("once twice thrice fource"),
Expected: "once twice thrice fource",
Optional: opt.Something[string]("apple banana cherry"),
Expected: "apple banana cherry",
Optional: opt.Something[string]("😈"),
Expected: "😈",
Optional: opt.Something[string]("۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹"),
Expected: "۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹",
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var worked bool = false
var value string = "-<([-RaNdOmNeSs])>-"
test.Optional.WhenSomething(func(v string){
worked = true
value = v
if !worked {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the call to the method did not seem work.", testNumber)
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: (%T) %#v", test.Optional, test.Optional)
/////////////// CONTINUE
expected := test.Expected
actual := value
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", expected)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", actual)
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE
func TestOptional_WhenSomething_stringNothing(t *testing.T) {
var worked bool = false
opt.Nothing[string]().WhenSomething(func(v string){
worked = true
if worked {
t.Errorf("The call to the method worked, but it should not have.")
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
//////////////// RETURN
func TestOptional_WhenSomething_int8(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional interface{WhenSomething(func(int8))}
Expected int8
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-127),
Expected: -127,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-126),
Expected: -126,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-125),
Expected: -125,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-124),
Expected: -124,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-123),
Expected: -123,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-122),
Expected: -122,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-121),
Expected: -121,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-120),
Expected: -120,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-9),
Expected: -9,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-8),
Expected: -8,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-7),
Expected: -7,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-6),
Expected: -6,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-5),
Expected: -5,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-4),
Expected: -4,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-3),
Expected: -3,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-2),
Expected: -2,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](-1),
Expected: -1,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](0),
Expected: 0,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](1),
Expected: 1,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](2),
Expected: 2,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](3),
Expected: 3,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](4),
Expected: 4,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](5),
Expected: 5,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](6),
Expected: 6,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](7),
Expected: 7,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](8),
Expected: 8,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](9),
Expected: 9,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](120),
Expected: 120,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](121),
Expected: 121,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](122),
Expected: 122,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](123),
Expected: 123,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](124),
Expected: 124,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](125),
Expected: 125,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](126),
Expected: 126,
Optional: opt.Something[int8](127),
Expected: 127,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var worked bool = false
var value int8 = -101
test.Optional.WhenSomething(func(v int8){
worked = true
value = v
if !worked {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the call to the method did not seem work.", testNumber)
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: (%T) %#v", test.Optional, test.Optional)
//////////////// CONTINUE
expected := test.Expected
actual := value
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %d", expected)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %d", actual)
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE
func TestOptional_WhenSomething_int8Nothing(t *testing.T) {
var worked bool = false
opt.Nothing[int8]().WhenSomething(func(v int8){
worked = true
if worked {
t.Errorf("The call to the method worked, but it should not have.")
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
//////////////// RETURN
func TestOptional_WhenSomething_uint8(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional interface{WhenSomething(func(uint8))}
Expected uint8
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](0),
Expected: 0,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](1),
Expected: 1,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](2),
Expected: 2,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](3),
Expected: 3,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](4),
Expected: 4,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](5),
Expected: 5,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](6),
Expected: 6,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](7),
Expected: 7,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](8),
Expected: 8,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](9),
Expected: 9,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](120),
Expected: 120,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](121),
Expected: 121,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](122),
Expected: 122,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](123),
Expected: 123,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](124),
Expected: 124,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](125),
Expected: 125,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](126),
Expected: 126,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](127),
Expected: 127,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](250),
Expected: 250,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](251),
Expected: 251,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](252),
Expected: 252,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](253),
Expected: 253,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](254),
Expected: 254,
Optional: opt.Something[uint8](255),
Expected: 255,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var worked bool = false
var value uint8 = 101
test.Optional.WhenSomething(func(v uint8){
worked = true
value = v
if !worked {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the call to the method did not seem work.", testNumber)
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: (%T) %#v", test.Optional, test.Optional)
//////////////// CONTINUE
expected := test.Expected
actual := value
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %d", expected)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %d", actual)
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE
func TestOptional_WhenSomething_uint8Nothing(t *testing.T) {
var worked bool = false
opt.Nothing[uint8]().WhenSomething(func(v uint8){
worked = true
if worked {
t.Errorf("The call to the method worked, but it should not have.")
t.Logf("WORKED: %t", worked)
//////////////// RETURN

View File

@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
package optstring
import (
var (
errNilReceiver = errors.New("Nil Receiver")
errNone = errors.New("optstring.None()")
errNoneNullable = errors.New("optstring.NoneNullable()")
errNull = errors.New("optstring.Null()")
func (receiver *NullableType) Scan(src interface{}) error {
if nil == receiver {
return errNilReceiver
if nil == src {
*receiver = Null()
return nil
switch t := src.(type) {
case NullableType:
*receiver = t
return nil
case Type:
switch t {
case None():
*receiver = NoneNullable()
datum, err := t.String()
if nil != err {
return fmt.Errorf("Problem unwrapping %T: (%T) %v", t, err, err)
*receiver = SomeNullable(datum)
return nil
case string:
*receiver = SomeNullable(t)
return nil
case []byte:
s := string(t)
*receiver = SomeNullable(s)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot scan something of type %T into an %T.", src, *receiver)
func (receiver NullableType) String() (string, error) {
if NoneNullable() == receiver {
return "", errNoneNullable
if Null() == receiver {
return "", errNull
return receiver.value, nil
type NullableType struct {
loaded bool
null bool
value string
func (receiver NullableType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if NoneNullable() == receiver {
return nil, errNoneNullable
if Null() == receiver {
return json.Marshal(nil)
return json.Marshal(receiver.value)
func (receiver NullableType) WhenNone(fn func()) {
if NoneNullable() == receiver {
func (receiver NullableType) WhenNull(fn func()) {
if Null() == receiver {
func (receiver NullableType) WhenSome(fn func(string)) {
if NoneNullable() != receiver && Null() != receiver {
func (receiver *NullableType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if nil == receiver {
return errNilReceiver
if 0 == bytes.Compare(b, []byte{'n','u','l','l'}) {
*receiver = Null()
return nil
var target string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &target); nil != err {
return err
*receiver = SomeNullable(target)
return nil
func (receiver NullableType) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if NoneNullable() == receiver {
return nil, errNoneNullable
if Null() == receiver {
return nil, nil
return receiver.value, nil
func NoneNullable() NullableType {
return NullableType{}
func SomeNullable(value string) NullableType {
return NullableType{
value: value,
loaded: true,
func Null() NullableType {
return NullableType{
null: true,
loaded: true,
func (receiver *Type) Scan(src interface{}) error {
if nil == receiver {
return errNilReceiver
switch t := src.(type) {
case Type:
*receiver = t
return nil
case string:
*receiver = Some(t)
return nil
case []byte:
s := string(t)
*receiver = Some(s)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot scan something of type %T into an %T.", src, *receiver)
func (receiver Type) String() (string, error) {
if None() == receiver {
return "", errNone
return receiver.value, nil
type Type struct {
loaded bool
value string
func (receiver Type) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if None() == receiver {
return nil, errNone
return json.Marshal(receiver.value)
func (receiver *Type) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if nil == receiver {
return errNilReceiver
if 0 == bytes.Compare(b, []byte{'n','u','l','l'}) {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot unmarshal %q into %T.", string(b), *receiver)
var target string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &target); nil != err {
return err
*receiver = Some(target)
return nil
func (receiver Type) WhenNone(fn func()) {
if None() == receiver {
func (receiver Type) WhenSome(fn func(string)) {
if None() != receiver {
func (receiver Type) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if None() == receiver {
return nil, errNone
return receiver.value, nil
func None() Type {
return Type{}
func Some(value string) Type {
return Type{
value: value,
loaded: true,

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
package optstring
//go:generate gogen-optiontype --pkg=optstring --type=string --one-file --no-tests

then.go 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package opt
// Then applies the function fn to the value inside of the optional-type op, if the optional-type op is holding something, and returns the resulting optional-type.
// If the optional-type op is holding nothing, then Then also returns nothing.
// For example:
// fn := func(s string) opt.Optional[byte] {
// if len(s) < 2 {
// return opt.Nothing[byte]()
// }
// return opt.Something[byte](s[1])
// }
// var op opt.Optional[string] = opt.Something("Hello world!"")
// var result opt.Optional[byte] = opt.Then(op, fn)
// // result == opt.Something[byte]('e')
// // ...
// var op2 opt.Optional[string] = opt.Something[string]("X")
// var result2 opt.Optional[byte] = opt.Then(op, fn)
// // result2 == opt.Nothing[byte]()
// // ...
// var op2 opt.Optional[string] = opt.Nothing[string]()
// var result2 opt.Optional[byte] = opt.Then(op, fn)
// // result2 == opt.Nothing[byte]()
func Then[T1 any, T2 any](op Optional[T1], fn func(T1)Optional[T2]) Optional[T2] {
if !op.something {
return Nothing[T2]()
return fn(op.value)

then_test.go 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package opt_test
import (
func TestThen_stringToUint(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Optional opt.Optional[string]
Expected opt.Optional[byte]
Optional: opt.Nothing[string](),
Expected: opt.Nothing[byte](),
Optional: opt.Something(""),
Expected: opt.Nothing[byte](),
Optional: opt.Something("A"),
Expected: opt.Nothing[byte](),
Optional: opt.Something("B"),
Expected: opt.Nothing[byte](),
Optional: opt.Something("C"),
Expected: opt.Nothing[byte](),
Optional: opt.Something("once"),
Expected: opt.Something[byte]('n'),
Optional: opt.Something("twice"),
Expected: opt.Something[byte]('w'),
Optional: opt.Something("thrice"),
Expected: opt.Something[byte]('h'),
Optional: opt.Something("fource"),
Expected: opt.Something[byte]('o'),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
fn := func(s string) opt.Optional[byte] {
if len(s) < 2 {
return opt.Nothing[byte]()
return opt.Something[byte](s[1])
thened := opt.Then(test.Optional, fn)
expected := test.Expected
actual := thened
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: (%T) %#v", expected, expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: (%T) %#v", actual, actual)
t.Logf("OPTIONAL: (%T), %#v", test.Optional, test.Optional)
/////////////////////// CONTINUE