/* Package opt has a number of sub-packages provides alternatives to Go's built-in types (bool, float64, int64, string, time.Time) that also let you express a "lack of a value"; for the Go programming language; these are similar to "option types" or "maybe types" in some other programming languages. Example: var s optstring.NullableType // ... switch s { case optstring.NoneNullable(): //@TODO case optstring.Null(): //@TODO case optstring.SomeNullable("Hello world!"): //@TODO case optstring.SomeNullable("apple banana cherry"): //@TODO default: //@TODO } Example: var s optstring.Type // ... switch s { case optstring.None(): //@TODO case optstring.Some("Hello world!"): //@TODO case optstring.Some("apple banana cherry"): //@TODO default: //@TODO } */ package opt