
115 lines
2.9 KiB

package pathmatch
import (
const (
defaultFieldTagName = "match"
wildcardBit = "{}"
var (
errMissingEndingRightBraceToMatchBeginningLeftBrace = newPatternSyntaxErrorComplainer(`Missing ending "}" (to match beginning "{").`)
errSlashInsideOfBraces = newPatternSyntaxErrorComplainer(`"/" inside of "{...}".`)
errLeftBraceInsideOfBraces = newPatternSyntaxErrorComplainer(`"{" inside of "{...}".`)
// Compile takes an uncompiled pattern, in the form of a Go string (ex: "/users/{userId}/vehicles/{vehicleId}"),
// and returns a compiled pattern.
// The compiled pattern can then be used to test if a path matches the pattern it contains.
// If the uncompiled pattern has a syntax error, Compile returns an error.
// Example Usage:
// pattern, err := pathmath.Compile("/users/{user_id}")
// if nil != err {
// fmt.Printf("ERROR Compiling: %v\n", err)
// return
// }
func Compile(uncompiledPattern string) (Pattern, error) {
pattern := newPattern(defaultFieldTagName)
s := uncompiledPattern
for {
index := strings.IndexRune(s, '{')
if -1 == index {
pattern.bits = append(pattern.bits, s)
bit := s[:index]
if "" != bit { // This is to deal with the case where a {???} is right at the beginning of the uncompiledPattern.
pattern.bits = append(pattern.bits, bit)
s = s[1+index:]
if "" == s {
index = strings.IndexRune(s, '}')
if -1 == index {
return nil, errMissingEndingRightBraceToMatchBeginningLeftBrace
// There should not be a slash ("/") before the ending brace ("}").
// If there is, it is a syntax error.
slashIndex := strings.IndexRune(s, '/')
if -1 != slashIndex && slashIndex <= index {
return nil, errSlashInsideOfBraces
// There should not be another beginning brace ("{") before the ending brace ("}").
// If there is, it is a syntax error.
anotherLeftBraceIndex := strings.IndexRune(s, '{')
if -1 != anotherLeftBraceIndex && anotherLeftBraceIndex <= index {
return nil, errLeftBraceInsideOfBraces
bit = s[:index]
// Match names should be unique, within a pattern.
if _, ok := pattern.namesSet[bit]; ok {
return nil, newPatternSyntaxErrorComplainer("Duplicate match name: %q.", bit)
pattern.names = append(pattern.names, bit)
pattern.namesSet[bit] = struct{}{}
pattern.bits = append(pattern.bits, wildcardBit)
s = s[1+index:]
if "" == s {
return pattern, nil
// MustCompile is like Compile except that it never returns an error; but
// instead panic()s if there was an error.
// Example Usage:
// pattern := pathmath.MustCompile("/users/{user_id}")
// Note that if one recover()s from the panic(), one can use a Go type-switch
// to figure out what kind of error it is.
func MustCompile(uncompiledPattern string) Pattern {
if pattern, err := Compile(uncompiledPattern); nil != err {
} else {
return pattern