
251 lines
8.3 KiB

package rfc8259_test
import (
func TestParseFalse_success(t *testing.T) {
var p []byte = []byte("false")
var reader io.Reader = bytes.NewReader(p)
var runereader io.RuneReader = utf8.NewRuneReader(reader)
err := rfc8259.ParseFalse(runereader)
if nil != err {
t.Errorf("Did not expect an error but actually got one.")
t.Logf("ERROR: (%T) %s", err, err)
func TestParseFalse_failure(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Value []byte
Expected string
Value: []byte(nil),
Expected: "rfc8259: unexpected end-of-file",
Value: []byte(""),
Expected: "rfc8259: unexpected end-of-file",
Value: []byte("f"),
Expected: "rfc8259: unexpected end-of-file",
Value: []byte("fa"),
Expected: "rfc8259: unexpected end-of-file",
Value: []byte("fal"),
Expected: "rfc8259: unexpected end-of-file",
Value: []byte("fals"),
Expected: "rfc8259: unexpected end-of-file",
Value: []byte("\t"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '\\t' (U+0009)",
Value: []byte("\n"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '\\n' (U+000A)",
Value: []byte("\r"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '\\r' (U+000D)",
Value: []byte(" "),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a ' ' (U+0020)",
Value: []byte("\""),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '\"' (U+0022)",
Value: []byte("-"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '-' (U+002D)",
Value: []byte("0"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '0' (U+0030)",
Value: []byte("1"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '1' (U+0031)",
Value: []byte("2"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '2' (U+0032)",
Value: []byte("3"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '3' (U+0033)",
Value: []byte("4"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '4' (U+0034)",
Value: []byte("5"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '5' (U+0035)",
Value: []byte("6"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '6' (U+0036)",
Value: []byte("7"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '7' (U+0037)",
Value: []byte("8"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '8' (U+0038)",
Value: []byte("9"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '9' (U+0039)",
Value: []byte("n"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a 'n' (U+006E)",
Value: []byte("t"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a 't' (U+0074)",
Value: []byte("\"name\""),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '\"' (U+0022)",
Value: []byte("-34"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '-' (U+002D)",
Value: []byte("0.123"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '0' (U+0030)",
Value: []byte("123"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '1' (U+0031)",
Value: []byte("22.22"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '2' (U+0032)",
Value: []byte("3.141592653589793238462643383279502884"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '3' (U+0033)",
Value: []byte("4E31"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '4' (U+0034)",
Value: []byte("5e23"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '5' (U+0035)",
Value: []byte("6789"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '6' (U+0036)",
Value: []byte("7978777675"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '7' (U+0037)",
Value: []byte("812"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '8' (U+0038)",
Value: []byte("901"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a '9' (U+0039)",
Value: []byte("null"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a 'n' (U+006E)",
Value: []byte("true"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a 't' (U+0074)",
Value: []byte("F"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'f' (U+0066) but actually got a 'F' (U+0046)",
Value: []byte("fA"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'a' (U+0061) but actually got a 'A' (U+0041)",
Value: []byte("faL"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'l' (U+006C) but actually got a 'L' (U+004C)",
Value: []byte("falS"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 's' (U+0073) but actually got a 'S' (U+0053)",
Value: []byte("falsE"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'e' (U+0065) but actually got a 'E' (U+0045)",
Value: []byte("fals,"),
Expected: "rfc8259: problem when trying to parse JSON boolean literal 'false' — expected a 'e' (U+0065) but actually got a ',' (U+002C)",
for testNumber, test := range tests {
var reader io.Reader = bytes.NewReader(test.Value)
var runereader io.RuneReader = utf8.NewRuneReader(reader)
err := rfc8259.ParseFalse(runereader)
if nil == err {
t.Errorf("Expected an error but did not actually get one.")
t.Logf("VALUE: %#v", test.Value)
t.Logf("VALUE: %q", test.Value)
actual := err.Error()
expected := test.Expected
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value for the error is not what was expected." , testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %q", actual)