initial commits

Charles Iliya Krempeaux 2023-11-01 18:22:51 -07:00
parent d1e874fe9a
commit fa844fd34c
5 changed files with 640 additions and 0 deletions

temporal.go 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package tmp
import (
type Temporal[T any] struct {
value T
until int64 // unit-time
istemporary bool
ispermanent bool
func Nothing[T any]() Temporal[T] {
var nothing Temporal[T]
return nothing
func Permanent[T any](value T) Temporal[T] {
return Temporal[T]{
func Temporary[T any](value T, until int64) Temporal[T] {
return Temporal[T]{
func (receiver Temporal[T]) isnothing() bool {
return !receiver.istemporary && !receiver.ispermanent
func (receiver Temporal[T]) Filter(fn func(T)bool) Temporal[T] {
if receiver.isnothing() {
return Nothing[T]()
if receiver.IsDefunct() {
return Nothing[T]()
if !fn(receiver.value) {
return Nothing[T]()
return receiver
func (receiver Temporal[T]) Get() (T, bool) {
return receiver.value, receiver.IsExtant()
func (receiver Temporal[T]) GoString() string {
if receiver.isnothing() {
return fmt.Sprintf("tmp.Nothing[%T]()", receiver.value)
if receiver.ispermanent {
return fmt.Sprintf("tmp.Permanent[%T](%#v)", receiver.value, receiver.value)
return fmt.Sprintf("tmp.Temporary[%T](%#v, %d)", receiver.value, receiver.value, receiver.until)
func (receiver Temporal[T]) IsDefunct() bool {
if receiver.ispermanent {
return false
if receiver.istemporary {
var now int64 = time.Now().Unix()
return receiver.until < now
return true
func (receiver Temporal[T]) IsExtant() bool {
if receiver.ispermanent {
return true
if receiver.istemporary {
var now int64 = time.Now().Unix()
return now <= receiver.until
return false
func (receiver Temporal[T]) WhenNothing(fn func()) {
if receiver.isnothing() {
func (receiver Temporal[T]) WhenDefunct(fn func()) {
if receiver.IsDefunct() {
func (receiver Temporal[T]) WhenExtant(fn func(T)) {
if receiver.IsExtant() {

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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package tmp_test
import (
func TestTemporal_Filter_int(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Temporal tmp.Temporal[int]
Expected tmp.Temporal[int]
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Permanent[int](-2),
Expected: tmp.Permanent[int](-2),
Temporal: tmp.Permanent[int](-1),
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Permanent[int](0),
Expected: tmp.Permanent[int](0),
Temporal: tmp.Permanent[int](1),
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Permanent[int](2),
Expected: tmp.Permanent[int](2),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](-2, 9_223_372_036_854_775_807), // int64 problem
Expected: tmp.Temporary[int](-2, 9_223_372_036_854_775_807),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](-1, 9_223_372_036_854_775_806), // int64 problem
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](0, 9_223_372_036_854_775_805), // int64 problem
Expected: tmp.Temporary[int](0, 9_223_372_036_854_775_805),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](1, 9_223_372_036_854_775_804), // int64 problem
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](2, 9_223_372_036_854_775_803),
Expected: tmp.Temporary[int](2, 9_223_372_036_854_775_803), // int64 problem
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](-2, 111), // supposed to be in the past
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](-1, 111), // supposed to be in the past
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](0, 111), // supposed to be in the past
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](1, 111), // supposed to be in the past
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[int](2, 111), // supposed to be in the past
Expected: tmp.Nothing[int](),
for testNumber, test := range tests {
fn := func(value int) bool {
return 0 == (value % 2)
actual := test.Temporal.Filter(fn)
expected := test.Expected
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %#v", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %#v", actual)
/////////////// CONTINUE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
package tmp_test
import (
func TestTemporal_GoString_permanent(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Value any
Expected string
Value: "",
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[string]("")`,
Value: "once twice thrice fource",
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[string]("once twice thrice fource")`,
Value: "apple banana cherry",
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[string]("apple banana cherry")`,
Value: uint8 (0x0),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint8](0x0)`,
Value: uint8 (0x1),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint8](0x1)`,
Value: uint8 (0x2),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint8](0x2)`,
Value: uint8 (0xfe),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint8](0xfe)`,
Value: uint8 (0xff),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint8](0xff)`,
Value: uint16 (0x0),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0x0)`,
Value: uint16 (0x1),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0x1)`,
Value: uint16 (0x2),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0x2)`,
Value: uint16 (0xfe),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0xfe)`,
Value: uint16 (0xff),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0xff)`,
Value: uint16 (0x100),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0x100)`,
Value: uint16 (0x101),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0x101)`,
Value: uint16 (0x102),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0x102)`,
Value: uint16 (0xfffe),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0xfffe)`,
Value: uint16 (0xffff),
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[uint16](0xffff)`,
Value: struct { A string; B int }{A:"joeblow",B:7},
Expected: `tmp.Permanent[struct { A string; B int }](struct { A string; B int }{A:"joeblow", B:7})`,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
op := tmp.Permanent(test.Value)
gostring := op.GoString()
expected := test.Expected
actual := gostring
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual go-string is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %q", actual)
t.Logf("VALUE-TYPE: %T", test.Value)
t.Logf("VALUE: %#v", test.Value)
//////////////////////// CONTINUE
func TestTemporal_GoString_nothing(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Temporal fmt.GoStringer
Expected string
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[string](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[string]()`,
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[int8](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[int8]()`,
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[int16](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[int16]()`,
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[int32](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[int32]()`,
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[int64](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[int64]()`,
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[uint8](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[uint8]()`,
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[uint16](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[uint16]()`,
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[uint32](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[uint32]()`,
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[uint64](),
Expected: `tmp.Nothing[uint64]()`,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
expected := test.Expected
actual := test.Temporal.GoString()
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual go-string value is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED GO-STRING: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL GO-STRING: %q", actual)
t.Logf("TYPE: %T", test.Temporal)
/////////////// CONTINUE
func TestTemporal_GoString_temporary(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Value any
Until int64
Expected string
Value: "",
Until: 0,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[string]("", 0)`,
Value: "once twice thrice fource",
Until: 1234,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[string]("once twice thrice fource", 1234)`,
Value: "apple banana cherry",
Until: 979899,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[string]("apple banana cherry", 979899)`,
Value: uint8 (0x0),
Until: 101,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint8](0x0, 101)`,
Value: uint8 (0x1),
Until: 111,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint8](0x1, 111)`,
Value: uint8 (0x2),
Until: 121,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint8](0x2, 121)`,
Value: uint8 (0xfe),
Until: 989,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint8](0xfe, 989)`,
Value: uint8 (0xff),
Until: 999,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint8](0xff, 999)`,
Value: uint16 (0x0),
Until: 303,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0x0, 303)`,
Value: uint16 (0x1),
Until: 313,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0x1, 313)`,
Value: uint16 (0x2),
Until: 323,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0x2, 323)`,
Value: uint16 (0xfe),
Until: 383,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0xfe, 383)`,
Value: uint16 (0xff),
Until: 393,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0xff, 393)`,
Value: uint16 (0x100),
Until: 3003,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0x100, 3003)`,
Value: uint16 (0x101),
Until: 3113,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0x101, 3113)`,
Value: uint16 (0x102),
Until: 3223,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0x102, 3223)`,
Value: uint16 (0xfffe),
Until: 3883,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0xfffe, 3883)`,
Value: uint16 (0xffff),
Until: 3993,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[uint16](0xffff, 3993)`,
Value: struct { A string; B int }{A:"joeblow",B:7},
Until: 9876543210,
Expected: `tmp.Temporary[struct { A string; B int }](struct { A string; B int }{A:"joeblow", B:7}, 9876543210)`,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
op := tmp.Temporary(test.Value, test.Until)
gostring := op.GoString()
expected := test.Expected
actual := gostring
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual go-string is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %q", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %q", actual)
t.Logf("VALUE-TYPE: %T", test.Value)
t.Logf("VALUE: %#v", test.Value)
//////////////////////// CONTINUE

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package tmp_test
import (
func TestTemporal_IsDefunct(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Temporal tmp.Temporal[string]
Expected bool
Temporal: tmp.Nothing[string](),
Expected: true,
Temporal: tmp.Permanent[string]("forever"),
Expected: false,
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[string]("expired", time.Now().Unix()-999), // supposed to be in the pastasx
Expected: true,
Temporal: tmp.Temporary[string]("not-expired", time.Now().Unix()+99999),
Expected: false,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
actual := test.Temporal.IsDefunct()
expected := test.Expected
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value for is-defunct is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %t", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %t", actual)
t.Logf("TEMPORAL: %#v", test.Temporal)

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package tmp
import (
func TestTemporal_IsNothing(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
Temporal Temporal[string]
Expected bool
Temporal: Nothing[string](),
Expected: true,
Temporal: Permanent[string]("forever"),
Expected: false,
Temporal: Temporary[string]("expired", time.Now().Unix()-999),
Expected: false,
Temporal: Temporary[string]("not-expired", time.Now().Unix()+99999),
Expected: false,
for testNumber, test := range tests {
actual := test.Temporal.isnothing()
expected := test.Expected
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("For test #%d, the actual value for is-defunct is not what was expected.", testNumber)
t.Logf("EXPECTED: %t", expected)
t.Logf("ACTUAL: %t", actual)
t.Logf("TEMPORAL: %#v", test.Temporal)