
(Artificial Intelligence)


What is artificial-intelligence (AI)‽

If you ask a specialist in artificial-intelligence that question, you will get a very different answer than if you ask are (non-specialist) normal person that question!

Lay-Person AI

A common way for normal people (who are not specialists in artificial-intelligence) to think about artificial-intelligence is — to imagine an artificial-brain along with humanoid robots — robots that with 2 legs, 2 arms, a head, and the general form of a human, that walk and talk similar to a human. I.e., an android.

Although androids are definitely a type of artificial-intelligenceartificial-intelligence is broader than, and even includes things that are much much much simpler than, androids. I.e., artificial-intelligence is a lot more than just androids.

For example — artificial-intelligence includes (simple) linear-regression, epsilon-greedy, and other things with names that sound just as weird as these if you are not (yet) familiar with artificial-intelligence jargon.

But more on that later — let's first explore the lay-person conception of artificial-intelligence a bit more. Let's look at sci-fi — and in particular, artificial-intelligence, androids, and robots in sci-fi.