A <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> is an identifier that conceptually is usually used to point to a <strong>person</strong>, but also can be conceptually used to point to an <strong>application</strong>, a <strong>group</strong>, a <strong>organization</strong>, a <strong>service</strong>, or any types of entities.
Here are some sample <strong>Fediverse ID</strong>s:
<h2>Resemblance With E-Mail Addresses</h2>
A <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> looks similar to an <strong>e-mail address</strong>.
The main superficial difference being that a <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> starts with an <strong>at sign</strong> (“@”) (Unicode character U+0040), but an e-mail address does not.
<strong>Fediverse IDs</strong> appear in posts on the <strong>Fediverse</strong>, and are typed (something with the help of some form of autocomplete) by users.
<h2>acct URI</h2>
Part of the process of <strong>resolving</strong> a <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> transfomrs a <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> into an <ziba-link>acct URI</ziba-link>.
(And then using that <ziba-link>acct URI</ziba-link> version of the <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> to make a request to <ziba-linktransform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link>.)
Here is an example:
at sign
@joeblow@example.com ← Fediverse ID
acct:joeblow@example.com ← acct URI
no at sign
<h2>Fediverse ID Syntax</h2>
The final say for what is and is not a valid <strong>Fediverse IDs</strong> are the many implementations of <ziba-linktransform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link> in-the-wild.
(Which could be different from each other.)
But, having said that, what we can infer what an implementation that uses <strong>Fediverse IDs</strong> should probably support at minimum.
I.e., an implmentation consider more than just this as a valid <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> — but all these should work.
Because <strong>Fediverse IDs</strong> are, from a technical point-of-view, closely tied to <ziba-link>acct URI</ziba-link> (because of <ziba-linktransform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link>) it can affect what is a valid <strong>Fediverse ID</strong>.
Inferring from IETF RFC-7565 (The 'acct' URI Scheme), the syntax of a <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> is: