	<h1>acct URI (Fediverse)</h1>
		<address class="h-card">
			<a rel="author" class="u-url" href="http://changelog.ca/"><span class="p-given-name">Charles</span> <span class="p-additional-name">Iliya</span> <span class="p-family-name">Krempeaux</span></a>
			An <strong>acct URI</strong> looks like this:


			Typically an <strong>acct URI</strong> is used to turn an <strong>e-mail address</strong> or <ziba-link name="id">Fediverse ID</ziba-link> into a URL / URI.
			(There are reasons why one might want to turn a pointer or identifier that isn' a URL / URI into a URL / URI.)
			For example, this <ziba-link name="id">Fediverse ID</ziba-link>:


			Gets turned into this <strong>acct URI</strong>:


		<h2>Why acct URIs</h1>
			The TL;DR of <em>why acct URIs‽</em> is — 
					… because people seem to be comfortable with something that looks more like an <strong>e-mail address</strong> or as <strong>username</strong> as an <strong>identifier</strong> but the technology only understands URLs and URIs;
					so you still have to turn things that look like <strong>e-mail address</strong> and <strong>usernames</strong> into URLs and URIs;
					which is what <strong>acct URI</strong> is;
					and “no”, mailto URI won't work;
					… because a new URI scheme makes it easy to identify that it should be used with <ziba-link transform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link> (rather than being able to do something else with it).
			There are many conceptual places where some kind of an <strong>identifier</strong> is a core part of it.
			For example, on any social protocol I am aware of, there is some type of notion of an <strong>identifier</strong>.
			BBS echo-mail has them.
			BBS net-mail has them.
			Internet e-mail has them.
			Internet finger-protocol has them.
			Internet gemini-protocol has them.
			(Multi-User) Linux &amp; Unix operating systems have them.
			Twitter has them.
			The <strong>identifier</strong> enables you to send messages, to share photos &amp; images, to control data, etc.
			With a single centralized system, dealing with <strong>identifiers</strong> is comparatively more straight-forward.
			But when dealing with a distributed, decentralized, or federated system, things can get more complex — for example, how do you point to and interact with someone or something from a different node on the network?
			Experience (with OpenID and other systems) seems to suggest that (at least currently) most people are more comfortable with using something that looks more like an <strong>e-mail address</strong> or as <strong>username</strong> as an <strong>identifier</strong> rather than a URL or a URI.
			For example — 
			<ziba-link name="id">Fediverse ID</ziba-link>s look very similar to e-mail addresses.
			They just have a U+0040 at-sign ("@") at the beginning of them:
			But <ziba-link transform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link> only understand URLs and URIs.
			So those have to be turned into URLs or URIs.
			Which, usually, is very straight-forward:
		<h2>Fediverse Users</h2>
			Most users of the <strong>Fediverse</strong> aren't aware of <strong>acct URI</strong>s.
			And really, they don't have to be aware of them!
		<h2>Fediverse Programmers</h2>
			But behind the scenes, <strong>acct URI</strong>s are used by <ziba-link name="softwware">Fediverse software</ziba-link>.
			Behind the scenes, a <ziba-link name="id">Fediverse ID</ziba-link> is turned into a <strong>acct URI</strong>, and then that <strong>acct URI</strong> is used to in a request to <ziba-link transform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link> .
			If you are a <strong>programmer</strong> / <strong>software engineer</strong> / <strong>software developer</strong> / etc, then you may need to be aware of <strong>acct URI</strong>s, and have some level of understanding of them.
		<h2>acct URI</h2>
			Part of the process of <strong>resolving</strong> a <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> transfomrs a <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> into an <ziba-link dir=".." transform="lowercase">acct URI</ziba-link>.
			(And then using that <ziba-link dir=".." transform="lowercase">acct URI</ziba-link> version of the <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> makes a request to <ziba-link dir=".." transform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link>.)
			Here is an example of transforming a <strong>Fediverse ID</strong> into an <ziba-link dir=".." transform="lowercase">acct URI</ziba-link>:

     at sign
       @joeblow@example.com ← Fediverse ID

   acct:joeblow@example.com ← acct URI
  no at sign

			A client would then make a request to:


			To discover what the (template) URL for <ziba-link dir=".." transform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link> is.
			And then, for example, if it is at:


			Then make a request to:


			This <ziba-link dir=".." transform="lowercase">WebFinger</ziba-link> implementation <em>could</em> accept whatever it wants.
			It doesn't have to restrict itself to what is specified by the IETF RFC-7565 (The 'acct' URI Scheme) specification.
			BUT —
		<h2>See Also</h2>
			For more information on <strong>acct URI</strong> see:
			<li>IETF RFC-7565</li>