Charles Iliya Krempeaux reiver

Package bytereader implements tools for working with io.ByteReader

Updated 2023-11-30 18:04:10 +00:00

Package brace implements tools for working with brace-string literals, for the Go programming language. Brace-String literals are a type of string literal used in the Tcl programming language. For example: {Hello world!}

Updated 2023-11-24 13:27:25 +00:00

Updated 2023-11-19 21:53:35 +00:00

ziba.js is a JavaScript implementation of a ziba markup renderer. ziba markup is a set of HTML tags designed to help better use HTML as a document format (rather than a cross-platform application format).

Updated 2023-11-17 17:46:19 +00:00

Updated 2023-11-17 02:46:59 +00:00

Updated 2023-11-16 13:29:10 +00:00

Package rfc8259 is an implementation of (parts of) IETF RFC-8259, for the Go programming language. The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format (2017)

Updated 2023-11-06 17:33:10 +00:00

Package tmp implements an expiring optional-type with a time-out, for the Go programming language. In other programming languages, an optional-type might be known as: a option-type, or a maybe-type.

Updated 2023-11-02 18:12:10 +00:00


Updated 2023-10-27 22:09:57 +00:00

Package ord provides tools for turning numbers into their human-friendly ordinal representation.

Updated 2023-10-27 18:32:42 +00:00

Package jsonpp provides tools for pretty printing JSON. jsonpp = json pretty print.

Updated 2023-10-27 18:30:51 +00:00

Package buffers provides tools for working with byte array, and byte slice buffers, for the Go programming language.

Updated 2023-10-25 21:10:13 +00:00

go-netln provides tools for parsing "net lines", for the Go programming language — i.e., lines that end with a "\r\n".

Updated 2023-10-23 19:24:21 +00:00

Package **httpbearer** provides tool to deal with HTTP bearer tokens, for the Go programming language. The HTTP Bearer token is associated with OAuth, but is sometimes used outside of OAuth.

Updated 2023-09-22 09:27:38 +00:00

Package xim provides a quazi‐ monotonically‐increasing unique‐identifiers.

Updated 2023-09-20 05:08:16 +00:00